Our Fellows
Meet the brilliant, creative legal fellows driving high-impact systemic change to advance economic and social justice
Learn more about the Justice Catalyst Fellowship and the Jonathan W. Cuneo COSAL/Justice Catalyst Fellowship
Amelia Caramadre
Amelia Caramadre is a 2022-2023 Justice Catalyst Fellow working on access to medication for opioid use disorder within the carceral and rehab industrial complexes with Northeastern University’s Health in Justice Action Lab.
Yohannes Moore
Yohannes Moore is a 2022-2023 Justice Catalyst Fellow working to free the many people impacted by racism in the California criminal court system with the University of San Francisco School of Law Racial Justice Clinic.
Kathryn Koch
Kathryn Koch is a 2022-2023 Justice Catalyst Fellow building collaborative capacity for medical debt defense with Health Law Advocates.
Alessandra Stevens
Alessandra Stevens is a 2022-2023 Justice Catalyst Fellow combatting the labor abuse to deportation pipeline with Sur Legal Collaborative.
Abbie Starker
Abbie Starker is a 2022-2023 Justice Catalyst Fellow co-creating healing alternatives to the criminal legal system with the Center for Restorative Justice at Suffolk University.
Andrew Ntim
Andrew Ntim is a 2022-2023 Justice Catalyst Fellow pursuing litigation and policy strategies to fight police terror against people experiencing homelessness and living in poverty in California with the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the SF Bay Area.
Juliette Jackson
Juliette Jackson is a 2022-2023 Justice Catalyst Fellow increasing access to services for underserved tribal communities in the West with Sacred Lands, Native Hands and the Center for Biological Diversity.
Joseph Niver
Joseph Niver is a 2022-2023 Justice Catalyst Fellow working to address systemic employment violations in the logistics industry with Make the Road New Jersey.
Chris Vu
Chris Vu is a 2022-2023 Justice Catalyst Fellow pursuing policy and litigation strategies for people with serious mental illnesses in jail or experiencing homelessness with Coelho Center for Disability Law, Policy, and Innovation and Loyola’s Anti-Racism Center at LMU Loyola Law School.
Mustafa Isaac Filat
Mustafa Isaac Filat is a 2022-2023 Justice Catalyst Fellow protecting the data privacy of California's immigrant communities with Public Counsel.
Vishal Reddy
Vishal Reddy is a 2022-2023 Justice Catalyst Fellow building worker power with Local Progress.
Chris Opila
Chris Opila is a 2022-2023 Justice Catalyst Fellow challenging USCIS resettlement adjudication policies with the International Refugee Assistance Project.
Marisol Dominguez-Ruiz
Marisol Dominguez-Ruiz is a 2022-2023 Justice Catalyst Fellow working to enforce underused disability laws in carceral settings with ACLU's National Prison Project.
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